Saturday 1 October 2011

Qurban/Aqiqah in China



Pls help to fwd to Muslim friends to help our Muslims in China.

Assalamualaikum dear Brothers/Sisters in Islam
Alhamdulillah and thank you for supporting the Qurban/Aqiqah in China.

The meat has benefitted thousands of poor Muslims who seldom get to eat meat which is beyond their means!So once a year they look forward to the qurban meat which they will eat sparingly thro out the year, they salt it ,smoke it, or dry it to preserve the meat!Attached is the new Form and the tour itinerary for this coming qurban.

Thank you to all those who have donated generously towards our AMAL projects. Your sincere contribution has turned the lives of many poor Muslims inremote villages and dry mountainous regions where poor Muslims struggle to eke a living on farms.
Alhamdulillah, with your concerted effort, Sister Mariah Mah, in her role as co-ordinator of projects, has been cited in a recently published book by The Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding.
Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service Georgetown University, USA, as one of "The 500 Most INFLUENTIAL MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD" WHO HAVE MADE CHANGES IN THE LIFE OF POOR MUSLIMS IN CHINA! (
We are presently supporting the livelihood of 100 orphans, funding the fees of 20 poor Muslim undergrads who cannot afford to pay their education, 200 Madrasah teachers(each month $100) helping to distribute sadaqah for Iftar Ramadan, fidayah, repair and rebuild masjids, wudu places and build village pre schools and water projects for.
Please help to support an orphan or a poor undergrad at $50 a month with some of your zakat or sedaqah. May Allah Bless you and increase your rezki.
Please Qurban with us again and do join our AMAL Silaturrahim tours to discover Muslim Communities in China and visit our Orphanages. Group and Individual tours can be arranged anytime by our registered tour agency in China.
We would appreciate your help in forwarding this email to all your Muslim friends and encourage them to Qurban and/or to do the zakat/sedaqah.
Yours in Islam

Mariah Mah (Tel: 96567315, 62412000)